Abi Lua's Blog

10 Must-Read Articles

[b]1.[/b] [url=http://www.nytimes.com/2007/04/22/opinion/22kristof.html?ref=humantrafficking&_r=0]The 21st Century Slave Trade[/url], Source: [url=http://www.nytimes.com/]nytimes.com[/url]
As human trafficking rose to be one of the most profitable and fastest growing endeavors of organized crime, Nicholas D. Kristof, author of the best-selling novel Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide, writes of one woman’s experience as a human slave in modern-day India and of another woman’s devotion in fighting brothel owners.

[b]2.[/b] [url=http://educationenvoy.org/press/nothing-is-more-important-than-educating-girls]Nothing is More Important than Educating Girls[/url], Source: [url=http://educationenvoy.org/] educationenvoy.org[/url]
In her attempt to answer the question, “What is the single most important thing that can be done to improve the world?”, previous UN Secretary-General Kofi-Annan offers the simple answer of “educating girls.” In this article, Kofi-Annan highlights strikingly clear evidence of how educating women would improve not only the well-being of her whole family but also the well-being of her whole country.

[b]3.[/b] [url=http://www.goldmansachs.com/our-thinking/focus-on/investing-in-women/bios-pdfs/women-half-sky-pdf.pdf]Global Economics Paper No. 164 -Women Hold Up More Than Half The Sky[/url], Source: [url=http://www.goldmansachs.com]goldmansachs.com[/url]
With its title taken by the Chinese proverb that ‘women hold up half of the sky,’ Sandra Lawson keys in on the importance of educating women and how educated women truly hold up half of the sky, if not more, when it comes down to her family’s and country’s well-being.

[b]4.[/b] [url=http://www.globaleducationfirst.org/2692.htm]Education Plays a Central Role in the UN Youth Agenda[/url], Source: [url=http://www.globaleducationfirst.org]globaleducationfirst.org[/url]
Earlier this month, UN Secretary-General Ban-ki Moon and UN Envoy on Youth Ahmad Alhendawi moderated a global interactive dialogue on Youth Initiatives. There, Moon reiterated the importance of education in the UN Youth agenda, which is the inspiration for his launching of the Global Education First Initiative. In addition, both men are working on an upcoming launch of an online UN Platform for Youth where all parts of the UN working on youth issues will be brought to one accessible place for youth to get involved and voice their concerns.

[b]5. [/b][url=http://www.unicef.org/adolescence/index_70101.html]The Young People at the Vanguard of Change[/url], Source: [url=http://www.unicef.org]unicef.org[/url]
Similar to the previous article, Chris Niles writes of the Youth Advocacy Group, a group comprising of fifteen young adults worldwide who have committed to supporting Ban-ki Moon’s Global Education First Initiative. With as many as 500 youths gathered in the United Nations Youth Assembly, the youth are making strides in voicing their concerns and demands in promoting quality universal education.

[b]6.[/b] [url=http://siteresources.worldbank.org/EDUCATION/Resources/278200-1099079877269/547664-1099079934475/547667-1145313958806/Empowering_parents_improve_edu_Mexico.pdf]Empowering Parents to Improve Education: Evidence from Rural Mexico[/url], Source: [url=http://www.worldbank.org]worldbank.org[/url]
In order to motivate parents living in rural areas to participate in the improvement of their children’s education, the authors of this paper examine AGE, a program that involves parents in the management of school grants, as their findings evaluate and report the positive impact resulting from the program’s works.

[b]7.[/b] [url=http://www-wds.worldbank.org/external/default/WDSContentServer/WDSP/IB/2012/03/16/000333037_20120316004337/Rendered/PDF/676470revised000Notes0Finance0Press.pdf]Education Finance: It's How, Not Simply How Much, That Counts[/url], Source: [url=http://www.worldbank.org]worldbank.org[/url]
With new research showing that learning outcomes are seemingly unrelated to spending levels, this paper provided by the World Bank emphasizes the importance of education finance as the paper delves into why the methods of how money is spent towards education matters more than the amount of money spent towards education.

[b]8.[/b] [url=http://www.dosomething.org/tipsandtools/11-facts-about-education-and-poverty-america] 11 Facts About Education and Poverty in America[/url], Source: [url=http://www.dosomething.org]dosomething.org[/url]
While education and poverty in America is multifaceted in its issues, dosomething.org sets out to provide teens with eleven facts that will hopefully provide a clearer understanding on these issues.

[b]9.[/b] [url=http://www.huffingtonpost.com/katy-ma-/teens-find-your-passion-i_b_3623607.html?ncid=edlinkusaolp00000003&ir=Impact]Teens: Find Your Passion in Volunteering This Summer![/url], Source: [url=http://www.huffingtonpost.com]huffingtonpost.com[/url]
While the summer is drawing to a close, Katy Ma's article on encouraging teens to find their passion in volunteering is very much relevant in any season as she draws from her own experience as a volunteer to write of the perks of giving back.

[b]10.[/b] [url=http://besocialchange.com/what-is-effective-giving/]10 Tips for Aspiring Social Entrepreneurs[/url], Source: [url=http://besocialchange.com]besocialchange.com[/url]
As Givology entered their fifth year of non-profit work, Joyce Meng provides ten tips accumulated over the past five years to those wanting to give effectively as a social entrepreneur.

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