Abi Lua's Blog

Top 10 "Need to Know" Statistics about Education in the World

1. Approximately [url=http://educationenvoy.org/]61 million children[/url] are out of primary school in which [url=http://articles.washingtonpost.com/2013-04-17/opinions/38616692_1_child-trafficking-child-labor-child-marriage]32 million are girls and 29 million are boys.[/url]
2. More than [url=http://www.childinfo.org/education_1055.htm]72 million secondary-school-aged adolescents[/url] are out of school.
3. Simply by giving a girl an education, [url=http://www.childinfo.org/education.html]the chance that her child will die before the age of five will reduce dramatically, her marriage will most likely come later and her children, now better nourished and educated, fewer, and her role in social, economic, and political decision-making will increase.[/url]
4. The youth literacy rate (15-24 years old) for both males and females from 2005-2010 [url=http://www.childinfo.org/education_literacy.php]100% in industrialized countries, 88% in developing countries, and 70% in least developed countries.[/url]
5. [url=http://www-wds.worldbank.org/external/default/WDSContentServer/WDSP/IB/2012/03/16/000333037_20120316004337/Rendered/PDF/676470revised000Notes0Finance0Press.pdf]18% of public expenditures[/url] around 2011 is devoted to education in low-income countries.
6. [url=http://educationenvoy.org/]16 million children[/url] with disabilities are not in school.
7. In developing countries, one more year of education adds [url=http://educationenvoy.org/Education-for-all.pdf]10%[/url] to an individual’s earnings.
8. A few benefits of receiving an education include [url=http://www-wds.worldbank.org/external/default/WDSContentServer/WDSP/IB/2012/01/04/000333037_20120104002108/Rendered/PDF/649590WP0REPLA00WB0EdStrategy0final.pdf]healthier posterity, greater coping of economic shocks, and ability to adapt to environmental change.[/url]
9. The International Development Association (IDA) has financed projects in the last decade [url=http://www-wds.worldbank.org/external/default/WDSContentServer/WDSP/IB/2010/10/19/000334955_20101019053142/Rendered/PDF/573020BRI0Box311WORK1Education12010.pdf]that helped recruit or train 3 million additional teachers and build more than 2 million new classrooms that benefit more than 105 million children[/url] a year.
10. Rather than attending school, [url=http://educationenvoy.org/]115 million children[/url] are currently working in hazardous conditions.

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