Abi Lua's Blog

Top 10 Facts about Girls' Education

1. Educated women are [url=http://10x10act.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/10x10-IDG-Fact-Sheet.pdf] 50% more likely[/url] to provide immunization to their children.
2. [url=http://www.womendeliver.org/knowledge-center/facts-figures/girls-education/]63% of the 163 million illiterate youth[/url] are female.
3. A country’s GDP [url=http://10x10act.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/10x10-IDG-Fact-Sheet.pdf] increases by 3% when 10%[/url] more girls attend school.
4. [url=http://www.pearsonfoundation.org/penniesforpeacetoolkit/downloads/PfP_GirlsEducation_FactSheet.pdf]Family poverty, gender discrimination, fear of personal safety, and school fees[/url] are among the many barriers to girls’ education.
5. Girls eventual wages are boosted [url=http://10x10act.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/10x10-IDG-Fact-Sheet.pdf]10-20%[/url] when an extra year is added to their primary school education.
6. When a girl completes basic education she is [url=http://10x10act.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/10x10-IDG-Fact-Sheet.pdf] 3 times less likely[/url] to contract HIV.
7. [url=http://www.womendeliver.org/knowledge-center/facts-figures/girls-education/]Every year of education[/url] not only delays a girl’s marriage but also reduces the number of children she bears.
8. Women who are educated are [url=http://www.womendeliver.org/knowledge-center/facts-figures/girls-education/]less likely[/url] to die in childbirth.
9. HIV spreads [url=http://www.prb.org/Publications/Media-Guides/2011/girls-education-fact-sheet.aspx]twice as fast[/url] among girls who are uneducated.
10. Fertility rates are reduced by [url=http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0019/001902/190214e.pdf]10%[/url] when a girl receives an extra year of schooling.

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