Carl J Mackey's Blog

images and stuff

this is an explanation of one of many ways to host an image on the web. it will use the free-ish service photobucket; if ever there are many people viewing the image (i don't know how many, might be quite large), then photobucket might want to ask you for money, but that takes a while i think. in the future, i'd like to make something that lets you upload images directly onto our server, which would be more reliable but more bandwidth intensive -- if we have a lot of large images that are getting viewed by many people, it might cost more from our hosting.
  1. create an account on photobucket using ridiculous fake information about yourself.
  2. upload a photo using their site (note: i highly recommend that you use their resizing, or resize your images yourself. they have a thing that quickly resizes images larger than 640x480, as an example. if it is too wide, it will cause your blogpost to be, uh, deformed.)
  3. when uploaded, you can click 'share' on the photo, which will bring you to a page where at the bottom there is something that says 'Or just copy the link:'. copy that.
  4. place that html snippet in a blog post or message on the site.

an example image of the vicious arctic slug -- er, i mean harp seal:

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