Education impact consulting for our partners.


Are you looking for an opportunity to be involved in rural education research or impact evaluation? Or, are you interested in traveling during the summer or winter to visit villages and schools?

Throughout the year, we send our Givology fellows to visit and volunteer in the communities that our grassroots partners serve. Our fellows are our eyes and ears in the field by helping us collect updates, assess progress, conduct diligence, and identify the priorities and needs of our partners. They are able to witness first-hand the impact of Givology donations and document their findings through photos, videos, reflections, and data analytics to be posted on our website and shared with our network. Furthermore, they help our partners address important topics such as impact evaluation, breadth and depth of reach in the community, and data collection. In essence, our fellows help our Internet donors better understand the outcomes of our students and communities, as well as assist our partners in mission critical topics. To read the journals of our past fellows, please visit our blog.

We have two main types of fellows:

Assigned to a partner organization: Field fellows work on a defined project with a Givology-affiliated partner NGO or school. With a focus on education impact consulting, our fellows collaborate with our field partners to create sustainable solutions regarding organizational capacity, programmatic content, and overcoming education delivery challenges. Past projects include: assessing the efficacy of Educate Lanka’s expansion strategy, helping Flying Kites adopt a rigorous impact evaluation methodology, determining the pricing strategy for a teacher training program at Nanubhai, analyzing data from a structured literacy program at Skip Peru to determine the overall impact. Our Givology fellows gain valuable, hands-on experience in helping our grassroots partners think strategically about their overall footprint in the community. After an experience abroad, our fellows continue their work when they return home in preparing a set of actionable reports and conclusions, working alongside our partners rather than simply issuing instructions. See below for a list of currently available projects.

Commissioned for an independent research project : Fellows make their own arrangements with non-Givology affiliated NGOs and schools, but contribute to our field blog by discussing key issues in education that are generalizable to the experiences of the communities that we serve. This opportunity is perfect for someone who is already set to travel abroad with another organization, but looking for a forum to share their experiences and conclusions. Responsibilities entail writing about issues confronting quality and access to education, multimedia documentation, scoping out potential Givology partner organizations, and primary secondary research regarding key education themes.

Logistics and Application Process

The dates for the fellowship program are flexible, but have a minimum of three weeks with additional follow up activities upon return. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis, but are subject to the needs of our partner organizations and the available consulting projects open. All completed applications should be sent to

The fellowship is an unpaid, volunteer-based position designed to offer participants a hands-on experience in the field and practical application of impact evaluation and data analysis techniques. Depending on the specific assignment, housing may be provided. Regardless, our team is here to help with coordinating the logistics and helping all applicants identify potential grants to defray the cost.

Please complete the field fellowship application form and send to, along with your resume and cover letter. We’ll be in touch shortly to discuss your interests and optimal placement. One week before your trip, we will provide a training session about maximizing your experience abroad.

Available Opportunities

Opportunities are rolling. Please contact us for more details on current placements.



Support Givology

Since we are 100% volunteer-run and we do not take anything from donations, we depend on supporters like you to help our organization grow.

Individual student scholarships change lives. Our students share a common dream of finishing school and aspiring for a better life.

We curate high-impact grassroots education projects. Our partners define their most urgent priorities for funding.
