Make an impact on kids around the world.

Interact, discuss, and learn about our grassroots partners.

Our Donor

We care a lot about creating a community around giving - to make the experience more rewarding and participatory than just simply cutting a check. In our community section, you can get inspired by our wall of recent donor activity and read about our grassroots partners and their activities globally.

Anonymous User


July 19, 2024

Amount Donated

Atthena Breitton

June 7, 2024

Amount Donated

Atthena Breitton

June 7, 2024

Amount Donated

Atthena Breitton

June 7, 2024

Amount Donated

Joyce Meng

May 23, 2024

Amount Donated

Joyce M

May 23, 2024

Amount Donated
In honor of .

Philip Wang

May 19, 2024

Amount Donated


Support Givology

Since we are 100% volunteer-run and we do not take anything from donations, we depend on supporters like you to help our organization grow.

Individual student scholarships change lives. Our students share a common dream of finishing school and aspiring for a better life.

We curate high-impact grassroots education projects. Our partners define their most urgent priorities for funding.
