Zhang Jiao Jiao's Blog

My July 2018 Update

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[font=Arial]Dear Ms. Cai Lin,[/font]

Hello! How have you been?

I am very excited to have received your letter in the spring. Thank you very much for your blessings and encouragement. There are 91 days and only 91 days until the college entrance examination and my high school graduation. I’m under a lot of pressure right now and my workload is huge at school. Everyone is frantically preparing for their exams. I’m not going to give up though. I only have 91 days left and I will continue work as hard as I can to the end.

I hope my hard work now will pay off in the end. I also hope I won’t let you down!

I will continue to work very hard in these final days! I will continue to be optimistic now and in the future and I won’t give up no matter what.

I hope you have something to look forward to and something to wish for every day.

Jiao Jiao Zhang 15573
Thursday March 8, 2018

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