Yonglin Xiao (肖用林)'s Blog

Update: April 11, 2009

Dear Uncle,

Hello! I was very happy when last time I received your greeting. Your warm greeting is such a relief in the midst of the ordinary time. Your comfort makes me feel much better. I understand you want to know more about my life, and I'm more than happy to share with you.

My family's been fine lately. The financial situation remains stable-we're still earning our living by growing crops. But not long ago, my sister dropped out of school because of her illness. She was in Grade 12. Her dropping out of school may have a negative impact on her future, which frustrates me too. But my parents once told me that they'd afford for me to go to school at any rate, which gives me confidence. I must at least finish high school! I always tell myself I can do that.

I'm working very hard, though so far my scores haven't improved much. But as the saying goes where there is a will, there is a way, I'm pretty sure that my effort will eventually pay off. My favorite subject is science. And I'm also getting along with my classmates. Now my biggest challenge is to improve my English, since English is such a useful tool. Also, I enjoy sports, especially basket ball. Though I'm not very tall, I'm not feeling bad about it. Maybe it's some kind of gift anyway.

The only dream I have now is to go to college. Everything comes to him who waits. If given the chance to go to college, I will choose to major in either English or electronic engineering. Again, because they're very useful.

I really appreciate your support and kindness and heartily grateful to your help. I'm going to cherish this opportunity and work as hard as I can. It's dogged that does it!

Best Wishes,

Sincerely yours,
Xiao Yonglin

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