YinQiu Peng 's Blog

More about me and an update on my life

Hello, I am YinQiu. I was born in 1999 in a small village of FengKe. The transportation network in FengKe is really underdeveloped; only this year did they start building roads. It is extremely hot in the summer, and water is scarce. My familys financial situation is very tough, and as my parents start to age, it is hard for them to continue making enough to provide high school education for me.
In 2006, I started attending a school in my local village. I had to wake up really early in the morning and take an one-hour walk to school. I brought a cold bun to eat for lunch at school every day. While it was not exactly the most delectable food, it now brings back an indescribable sweet sensation. When I was grade 4, my school closed down, so I transferred to a school in another village, which was a 3 to 4 hours walk away from home. This new schools living conditions were much better, and there was food provided for us if we paid lunch fees.
I remember when I was younger, my parents and my grandma had to work really hard to make a living, and they were always fighting. I was really scared, I always hid and cried in a corner. My uncle often came to bother my parents: it was really hard back then, and people were very traditional. They always quarreled, my sister and I cried a lot.
There was one time when my parents got into a serious argument. My mom cried and said she would leave. She told me that because my grades at school werent very good, I shouldnt go school anymore, and should instead help my dad out and let my sister go to school. She said that after she leaves, my dad will not be able to earn enough money to send me to school. When my mom did leave, my dad hugged her, and in the end he convinced her stay. From that day on, I vowed to study hard: my parents worked so hard to make our lives easier, I must make them proud and aim to make their lives easier as well.
There are 5 people in my family: my grandma is 83 years old, my dad is 53, my mom is 43 and my sister is 17. My sister is studying in high school, and my parents are both farmers. Since my dad is getting old, he cannot go out and earn money anymore, so he always stays home and does the housework; my mom goes out to work part time occasionally, but she mostly farms at home. Theyve always been working really hard since I was young, and the heavy labor they took a toll on their health. It is not as bad for my dad, but my mom is always ill, and often has head-splitting headaches or terrible back pains. When she finally got a health checkup, we found out that she had some spinal problems. My grandma is also always ill, she suffers from high blood pressure. If any one of us were to fall severely ill, it would be a huge financial burden on the family, because we would have no one to support us.
When my sister started attending high school, we did not have the money to pay for her school fees. We borrowed 2000 RMB from my uncle, I dont know if we have returned it yet. Despite being poor, our mother never told us to quit studying; education is the most important. She is determined to provide the money for us to complete our education.
I am usually rather quiet and reserved, but with my family, I am lively. I enjoy playing basketball and taking walks. When I was younger, I thought that I was studying for the sake of my parents, but now I realize that I am studying for myself and for my country. If young people are smart, the country will become smart; if young people are strong, the country will grow strong; if young people are wealthy, wealth will pour into the country. I am studying hard for the betterment and the future of my country.
I used to dream to be a soldier, just like the other soldiers did in history to protect my country; but I was young then, I did not know better about realistic dreams. Now my dream is to enter a top high school, get into university, study business and make China stronger. My parents used to say those who were born into a poor family mature quicker, and it is true that difficulties and challenges have become my companion through life, and it is because of this companion have I become stronger and more fearless. I believe now that whoever stands strong, whoever does not fear obstacles and failures, will be the one who will make it to their destination and achieve their goal.
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