Xiao Jin Hua's Blog

My history

[color=#222222]Hello! My name is Xiao Jin Hua. I grew up in the mountains; when I was young, I lost my father. Ever since my father passed away, my mother had to care for our entire family herself. To aggravate this situation, not long after my father passed, and before my mother came to terms with our family's situation, my grandparents urged my mother to remarry again. Their reasoning, they later explained, was that if my mother remarried, my siblings and I would remain by my grandparents' side, living at my uncle's.[/color]
My father died in misfortune, so during my childhood I never received much fatherly love. Supporting me was only my mother and uncle. Why was I so unlucky, to lose my father at such a young age?
[color=#222222]After my father's death, the lives of my mom, three siblings, and I were completely changed. My father's care dissipated, and my mother could only provide for us a miserable life. We originally lived in a thatched house, but the roof was unable to block rain water from entering the house, so we gradually built an adobe house. My clothes have been mended many times, and potatoes has been our main staple.[/color]
[color=#222222]Over the years, our family conditions gradually increased, mom has single-handedly overcome our bitter situation! Through it all, I always have my uncle; while he couldn't replace my father, he always gave us unconditional love and support.[/color]
[color=#222222]Now, my mom has brought up the four of us. Since we all go to school, the costs of school has been a large burden for our family. My mom has had to sell everything that we don't need and borrow from our neighbors in order to have enough to send us to school. Even though our family doesn't have incoming finances, my mom has always instructed us not to worry, and focus on our studies. She has never complained, and has never pressured me to drop out of school to support my little brothers and sisters. Instead, she taught me to value my education more than anything else, and aspire to work hard and improve our future situation.[/color]
I owe everything to my mother; ever since I was an infant, mom has always worked hard to support me, toiling so I could get an education. When I got sick, there was only her to worry about me. She always told me, Lift your chin up, and stay strong, because no matter what difficulties our family had to face, we would always stay strong, because only then could we defeat those challenges and emerge from the shadows!
So when facing the challenges life throws my way, I will accept them with courage; just as my brave mom never gave up, I will never give up, and instead continue to work hard and gain my education! With the support of my mother and uncle, dear siblings, friends, and teachers, I will do my best!
Best regards,
Xiao Jin Hua

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