Stephen McDonagh's Blog

Happy Father's Day

This Father’s Day I would like to take the time to thank my Dad for supporting my educational pursuits. Since elementary school my Dad has always been pushing me to work harder, and has tried to instill within me the value of and desire for a great education. Growing up this always seemed annoying and generally got on my nerves.

I remember coming home one day in 5th grade all excited to show my Dad my report card. Having finally finished elementary school and the check minus, check, check plus grading system, I had gotten a 96 average on my first real report card. Upon showing it to my Dad his response was, “What happened to the other four points?” Although I knew he was only joking, the message still resonated with me. For the remainder of the year I made it my goal to strive for more. Since then that mentality has been embedded within me, and has branched out beyond schoolwork and into everyday life.

Looking back now, it was little moments like that one that had the biggest impact on me. Whenever I would get into an argument with my Dad about anything, his final comment was always, “Eventually you will understand.” Well Dad, as much as I hate to say it, you were right. Even though I always hated the nagging about grades, finishing my homework, and everything else at the time, thank you for it. I wouldn’t be where I am today if it wasn’t for you.

Thanks to you, Dad, I know the importance of a good education. That is one of the major reasons that I chose to get involved with Givology. You supported me throughout my academic pursuits, and continue to do so today. I am glad to have the opportunity to pass on the educational values you instilled in me to other students in need. I love you Dad. Happy Father’s Day.

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