Ever Aguayo's Blog

Update from Ever!

One of our translation associates, Lauren, wrote an individual letter to Ever and received the following reply:


Dear Lauren,

Hi! How are you? I am happy because I am about to finish classes for this year.

You know, since I was little music has interested me, and that is why at nine years old I learned to play the guitar, and I like it. Music is a way of expressing our feelings and that is good.

When I was in eighth grade, I discovered a group that would change my way of thinking and looking at things. I discovered Simple Plan through one of their songs: “Welcome to My Life,” and I liked its style and the lyrics. Then, I was discovering other songs. When I started JR9, (a level of CCP), I have an English teacher named Cecilia, and she showed me a Simple Plan CD, and that was how I listened to some of their other songs, like “Perfect”, “Shut Up”, and now I also discovered “Addicted”, “Perfect World,” “I’m Just a Kid,” and others.

I have seen that, in life, we take different paths. I, for example, when I was in school, had my friends, they were very good, now, some have entered the world of alcoholism, others smoke. They are going down a bad path. One friend got pregnant at age fifteen. Can you imagine that? However some, like myself, are going down a good path, because they are interested in their future and because of their family.

Oh! I am about to fulfill one of my dreams, going to the United States, and I will leave in December, and I am excited.

Never doubt that there is always a solution to any problem, never be defeated, by not doing so one had already lost.

Life isn’t easy, but you have to try to live a happy life, because happiness is important.



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