Catherine Gao's Blog

The Importance of Governance

Last Friday, I attended a talk on Charity Governance. It was very insightful and interesting. Whether you’re talking about the private sector or the public sector, governance is an issue that is absolutely critical to the success of an organization.

Why is Governance Important?

In the public sector, good governance is incredibly important, because a charitable organization is often entrusted with other people’s hard earned money. Donors expect that the organization will keep and use the funds in an efficient and effective manner. Accountability and transparency are essential when maintaining trustworthy relationships with stakeholders. Good governance is a primary way to showcase an organization’s level of accountability and transparency.

And this is why I think Givology is such a great organization. Transparency is one of our core values. For example, when several of the students we had funded dropped out of school, we immediately notified the donors and refunded their donations. While Givology has made great strides in helping our students and impacting their lives, we also understand the harsh realities and circumstances that may arise. Our fundamental belief in the importance of accountability and transparency is simply a reflection of our high standards and effectiveness as an organization.

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